Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Where I seek my refuge

Work has been rough these days; actually practically ever since I started. But our intern class got together yesterday to pray for each other about work related issues, and I was enormously blessed by the prayer time. I was feeling very discouraged and defenseless, and even though I didn't tell anyone that before we prayed, God gave people all these images and verses for me about security, rest and protection in him. I feel like I have verbal and pictorial promises of the love of God now to cling to in the midst of my day at work no matter how crazy it gets.

Driving home after work today, Natasha Bedingfield's song "Pocketful of sunshine" was playing on the radio and the chorus really resonated with what I want right now:

Take me away, a secret place
A sweet escape, take me away
Take me away to better days
Take me away, a hiding place

But then I was thinking about it and I think that God doesn't necessarily remove us out of situations when things get hard, but that in relationship with him he gives us what we need to be able to survive...and even thrive. I have no Caribbean island or Oregon forest to escape to for weeks on end; my only hiding place and refuge is Jesus my Rock. This seems like a more realistic theology for the city and for living amidst urban poverty than a theology of escapism. The escape I think I want is not necessarily what I need.

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