Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reflections on the Serenity Prayer

My supervisor recently posted this by her desk:

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference

In the midst of work crazyness, for my own sanity I've come up with some reflections inspired by this prayer...

I cannot change that someone has been given the run around by social agencies all over L.A.
I CAN help them figure out if they qualify for services here.

I cannot change a client's situation if they do not qualify for services here.
I CAN refer them to the 211 info line for other options in L.A.

I cannot make other agencies have room to take a client when they are full.
I CAN take a deep breath and let that weight slide off my shoulders instead of carrying it.
I CAN continue to develop my list of agencies to call so that I have more options to try.

I cannot stop clients from yelling at me or staff from expressing frustration with me.
I CAN choose to respond with calm and grace.
I CAN seek to live in peace with all people, so far as it is possible.
I CAN apologize when I actually made a mistake or didn't understand how to do something.
I CAN refuse to carry the weight of their words with me for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love those! Oftentimes I think we are tempted to view things we cannot change in a passive light. This is a great perspective. =)