Monday, April 28, 2008

Fire Season's Started

When my roommate and I found an injured bird in our backyard yesterday and called the Humane Society, they said that it might take a little while for them to send someone out because they were dealing with the fires in Arcadia. But I didn't really realize what was happening until I arrived at work at the Red Cross on Monday and discovered that my boss had flown back early from her weekend visit with her sister in Colorado in order to manage P.R. and work the shelters the Red Cross had set up. My other coworker is busy working the phones this morning. Yes, So. Cal fire season has officially started in our area. It's going to be a busy week here at the Red Cross, considering it was already going to be hectic before any fires broke out! For more information on the Arcadia and Sierra Madre fires, click here.


Raider said...

We had a few big fires too. Ironically, they were put out because it started to snow. CO is a very weird state.

Jenny said...

snow putting out fires! Wow. I have to say, it made me laugh. :)