Monday, April 21, 2008

A Strange Phone Conversation

The funniest thing happened to me this evening. I was washing the dishes when the phone rang with someone asking me if I had a few minutes to take a survey. Normally I say no to this sort of thing, but he was so soft-spoken and nice about it that I consented. The survey mostly proceeded as normal, with him asking questions about my use of the yellow pages and me answering. However, his computer was really slow, so to fill the time while it was thinking, he'd ask me random other questions. Some of them were ordinary, like "so, what do you do for fun?" But then some of them were a little weird to be asking a complete stranger over the phone, like "when you are out, say at a bar, what are the first three things you notice about a guy who approaches you?", or "so if someone played a song for you, what song would it be?" Truth be told, it made me a little uncomfortable, as if I was indirectly being hit on over the phone. I started thinking over the survey questions I'd answered, trying to figure out if there was any way I had given out my exact location or identity (there wasn't and he was obviously not from California). I don't think he was trying to be awkward; I think he just doesn't have a good sense of what questions you should ask strange women when you are killing time during a professional survey!! Anyways, I had to laugh about it after I hung up, so I thought I'd share the sillyness.

1 comment:

Daniel Groot said...

so... if someone played a song for you, what song WOULD it be? ;)

Great story Jenny!