Friday, December 21, 2007

My Advent

Both work and my personal life have been crazy busy this week. Every night I planned to accomplish a bunch of items that I didn't manage to get to each night. Add on top of this, Diamante's younger sister and one of her friends came into town yesterday. Last night I found myself in a state of panic because one of my Christmas present ideas failed, I had no back-ups, and I wasn't spending time with Diamante's friend and sister because I was frantically trying to get last-minute things done before I leave Saturday. I felt like a horrible sister and host and pretty much just wanted to cry (I don't think the sleep deprivation of the week helped either).

As I was lying in bed that night, all of a sudden it struck me how ridiculous the whole situation was. It's Christmas time for heaven's sake! It's not even supposed to be about the gifts, but about celebrating that Jesus came to give his life for us so that we don't have to be perfect in ourselves and our relationships. So that I can have this loving relationship with my heavenly Daddy. When did I get so lost in the noise and the shopping and the running around without stopping to breathe? Jesus, even in this Advent season, I am reminded of how much I need your grace and new vision.

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