Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Check out this awesome video of the Servant Partners team that works in the slums in Bangkok, Thailand. These are some of the folks that I visited after leading the Global Urban Trek with InterVarsity this summer, and they are wonderful people. Maybe some day I will be there too. :)

*Edit* I have now posted the video as a link instead of directly in this post. To see it, click here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Who do you follow?

Ran into a friend today and we were having a good conversation until it turned to matters of the future, and he asked me if I would be willing to give up my plans and dreams in order to "follow my husband."

Umm, the short answer is no.

Willing to compromise? Yes! Willing to work together to figure out how we can both pursue our dreams and live out the giftings that God has given us? Yes! Willing to go through periods where one of us makes accomodations or sacrifices in order to partner with and support a conviction or calling that God has given the other person, or through a time of pain and/or healing in their life? Yes!

But am I willing to put aside all my hopes, my convictions, my sense of calling and direction, and arbitrarily submerge them and follow someone else around like a sheep for the rest of my life because I get married? No way. Something inside me would die.

I've run into this many many times in my life and I'm sure I will run into many more times in the future, but it is painful each time I open up my heart and share my hopes for the future, and someone shuts it down with: "but are you going to be willing to follow your husband?" Personally, I believe that view is based on a mis-reading of Scripture--I know some others will disagree with me, but I'm just working off of the best understanding I have come to after nine years of thinking about and studying gender and women in the Bible.

God chose to create me as a person of passion, conviction, and dreams, and I don't see why my gender should mean that I can't seek to live out the dreams that God Himself has chosen to write in me. I am committed to following Jesus, and His direction in my life is the one that over-rides all else.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

God With Us

As I have been reading the Christmas story out of Matt 1, I am astounded at what it must have been like for Mary to go through those experiences and to find herself pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Even if I had responded as well to the angel's announcement as Mary did, if it was me, I can just imagine the fear and uncertainty that would run havoc in my mind as the pregnancy started to show. "What now? This is the end of life as I know it. I can never recover from what other people will think of me. I can't escape this situation or its effects for the rest of my life." I think I would have been angry at God, feeling like the life I had planned on was falling apart around me. (maybe there's a good reason God didn't pick me to be Mary!!)

As I come to the Christmas story this season, like all of us I read through the lens of the season I am in, a season where I have been asking God, "Will you lead me into situations where I feel like all my dreams are destroyed? I have committed myself to following you but some days I am terrified of the possible costs."

Yet even in the midst of my fear, I can't help but see and acknowledge the ways that God then proceeds to provide for Mary what she needs. He sends an angel to Joseph instructing him to still take her as his wife, thus ensuring that Mary will be taken care of financially and that she won't face the scorn of the town or the struggles of raising a baby on her own. The book of Luke tells about the sign that God gave Mary to reassure her through her cousin Elizabeth's pregnancy, and the companionship and encouragement that he provided her through her cousin.

Left to myself, I question if God will provide me what I need to survive the dark times--but this story tells me that he will. He is. Even if I don't recognize it in the moment.

Most encouraging, Matthew tells us that Jesus is Immanuel, "God with us." God with us in the midst of questioning. God with us in the midst of suffering. God with us in the midst of the darkness in ourselves and in the world.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Hidden Cost of Poverty

Apparently my recent move into a house one main street south of my old apartment has put me into a new zipcode, which just made my car insurance go up. :( Personally, I think my new street is negligably more or less safe than the old one. I suppose I should count my blessings--I remember talking to friends who said their car insurance soared when they moved into South LA. From an insurer's standpoint, it makes sense to assume there is a higher risk factor in areas with more accidents, or more vandalism, or other problems. But from the customer's standpoint, I personally am annoyed that moving from one zip code to the one next door can increase my cost. It's just another example of how it is more expensive to be poor (how ironic is it that wealthy individuals living in "better" areas are charged less than poor folks in my neighborhood for car insurance?).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

CNN on homelessness and social media

My friend made it onto the front page of CNN! Here's the article about him (he does great work).