Tuesday, February 12, 2008

For Everything There is a Season

I met with my mentor last night, and we went over my schedule together, as I pretty much felt like crying whenever I thought about it. Thank goodness for Michele, because she was able to state clearly that there was simply too much there, and that it wasn't a matter of me being able to do it all, but a matter of prioritizing and cutting things out. I have a sermon to give in two weeks that isn't prepped, and a new job to find as my temp one is ending, so those are my two urgent priorities in this season. As much of my week, including this entire weekend, is booked with Servant Partners and Northwest Neighbors commitments, it takes drastic steps to guard my remaining few precious hours of free time. Therefore, in addition to saying no to social engagements during these next two weeks, I probably won't be posting on here, and I won't be able to respond to your emails or phone calls. It's only for a season, but right now I just need to hunker down and weather this storm out. Thank you for understanding! And if you know of any helpful resources on 2 Samuel 12:1-10, please let me know!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing! :D I'm starting to see the value of doing all you can to have sustainable life and ministry. Good for you to choose priorities now for the sake of the rest of your time in SP/NWN. Look forward to this weekend, too. :)