Thursday, January 15, 2009

Precarious positions for nonprofits

My work made the news! (although not for a great reason)
One of the awful things about a recession/depression is that at the same time as individuals and families are going through hard times and losing their jobs and shelter, state and federal budgets are also being slashed. So that means that for non-profits, not only are donations from individuals down, but the government aid they receives is drastically cut at the very time as more and more people need help. Demand skyrockets while supply is stuck at a stagnant level or even forced to decrease. :( Help your friends, help your neighbors, help your family--don't leave it to the systems to take care of them during these times.

1 comment:

Emergingjourney said...

Its so frusterating to see how many people are left to fend for themselves. I had one of the worst things happen yesterday. Someone abandoned their older family in the hospital. I want to understand, but what do you do with someone who decides that they can no longer take care of the aged family member and so take them to the ER of the local hospital and just leave them there?! I have heard of that with babies and I understand that we have safe nets in place for the kids to be taken to foster care, but there is so much less for our parents/grandparents. It just makes me sad.