Friday, March 6, 2009

Road Rage

Before moving to L.A., I always had a vague idea that the only people who had road rage were those with extreme anger management issues. But road rage is a strange phenomenon in L.A.. People always seem to be angry when they are driving. I myself get angry much more easily then I ever did before. I actually almost flipped someone off the other day, which is not like me! The only reason I didn't was for fear of what they might do back. As a friend said the other day about his own road rage encounter, "I was just glad I didn't get shot."
Anger and speed seem to be part of driving culture in this city. People are always in their cars, always on the way to somewhere, and always want to get there as fast as possible. On the freeway on my commute to work, most cars are going between 70-80 miles per hour. The cars going "only" 60 make you crazy because they slow up all the traffic, with people weaving around them. So in a city that's always in a hurry, anything that slows people down even for a few seconds annoys them (I confess I have become guilty as well of this phenomenon).
If you live in LA, what do you think about road rage in the city? If you've visited, did you notice it when you were here?

1 comment:

diamante said...

Well, I've shared my thoughts with you before. After living here for almost two years, I still think Houston drivers are worse. Maybe I just got used to it in Houston and now it doesn't phase me. Many people say LA drivers are rude. I've come across MANY nice drivers in LA. People that will stop to let me cross or turn. I did not find that to be the case in Houston. It probably also depends alot on the time of day.
The one thing that does get me mad, though, is when people honk at me when I'm waiting to turn into our drive way. And I especially hate when they hold the honk. I too have been oh so tempted to flip them off or to take a long time just to piss them off.
I think the whole time I've been here I've only encountered one person that I would consider having road rage. Everyone else just gets annoyed or angry.