Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life is too short for...

As my grandmother pointed out to me, I have been somewhat delinquent with the regular posting of blog entries this year. My apologies, dear readers! I have had a few entries percolating in my brain but have not as yet put my fingers to the keyboard.

I have been thinking a lot about my to-do list this week, which can stress me out, since it never ends. I cross one item off and put two more on. Then I realized: I am going to have a to-do list for as long as I live. Why let its presence consume me so that I am more obsessed with getting things done than with being with people? The items on my list are only important because they facilitate the relationships and things that are truly important.

In honor of that realization, here is my mini list of 5 things that life is too short for!

Life is too short to...
1) Keep a perfectly clean desk
2) Eliminate all the items from my to-do list
3) Read & respond to every email
4) Stay angry
5) Clean the house every week

and life is too short to NOT....
1) spend time with the people I love
2) call my family
3) eat dessert when I want it
4) know that I am loved
5) treat other people with God's kindness

What's on your lists? Share!

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